Spooky Treats to Delight Trick-or-Treaters

Spooky Treats to Delight Trick-or-Treaters

The summer holidays are over, and all the kids are back to school, so parents can breathe a sigh of relief, but not for long - Halloween is right around the (dark and cobweb-covered) corner!

While the thought of hundreds of kids dressed as witches, goblins, and jars of marmite (it’s a thing, we’ve seen it) might be enough to have any parent quaking in their boots, not having anything to hand over when the trick or treaters come knocking is an even more terrifying prospect.

While, like 41% of the British population, you could opt to turn off all the lights and spend the evening in morbid silence in the hope that children will leave you alone, if you do feel like joining in and treating the kids this year, our Halloween gifts are the perfect solution.

Trick Or Treat? Where did it all begin?

The tradition of trick-or-treating can be traced back to ancient Celtic customs. Over 2,000 years ago, people celebrated Samhain, a festival marking the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter. It was believed that the veil between the living and the dead was thinnest during this time. To ward off spirits, people would dress in costumes and offer food.

As centuries passed, these customs merged with Christian traditions. Children would dress up and perform songs or jokes in exchange for treats. When Irish and Scottish immigrants brought this tradition to North America, it evolved into the modern-day trick-or-treating we know today.

Get Prepared for Halloween with Personalised Halloween Sweets Jars

Choose from a variety of full-to-the-brim jars filled with delicious sugary treats that will hopefully keep them all sweetness and light until witching hour is over. You’ll find classics such as Drumsticks, Gobstoppers, Jelly Babies and Foam Shrimps in our spooky House Halloween sweet jar, which can be personalised with your family name - just be warned, it will be hard not to gobble them all up yourself! 

Halloween House Sweet Jar

Spooky House Halloween Sweet Jar

Or, if you fancy something a bit more in keeping with a Hallowen theme, our Victorian style sweet jar with traditional goodies such as Black Jacks, Candy Whistles, Drumsticks and Jelly Beans is sure to go down a treat.

Victrian style halloween sweet jar

Victorian Style Pumpkin Sweet Jar

Discover our retro “trick or treat” sweet jar, perfect for the little ones coming to knock on your door, or a birthday gift for a child whose birthday is in October. Personalise with their name for a ghoulish birthday gift for the spooky season! Find all the usual retro favourites in there like Flying Saucers, Drumsticks and Fried Eggs.

Trick or treat sweet jar

Trick or Treat Halloween Sweet Jar

And finally, why not give our devilishly delicious and weirdly wonderful, Personalised Pumpkin Sweet Treat Jar a try? Make this Halloween one celebration they’ll never forget, perfect for birthday gifts or spooky themed parties for this time of year. Choose either the 650ml or 3.2 litre jar for a treat that has no tricks in it, just masses of tasty retro sweets.

Pumpkin themed sweet jar

Personalised Pumpkin Sweet Jar

Spooky Season Starts With Our Halloween Sweet Jars

Whether you are happy to hand them out to trick or treaters, or just want to make the occasion special for your little one, our Halloween sweets jars are ideal - and they make great gifts for Halloween lovers of any age too! So if you want to make sure your cupboards are stocked and all the little devils in your household and beyond will keep their tricks to themselves this fright night, check out our full range of Halloween sweets jars today!


Other Spooky & Fun Halloween Gift Ideas

Gifting on Halloween isn't all about sweets and chocolate, so we also offer a range of personalised mugs and personalised tote bags that can be customised with your own message and the name of the gift recipient. 

Why not customise a spooky tote bag for the little one to take with them trick or treating, or warm a freind or loved one up with a seasonal Halloween mug, availble in many designs? No matter what you decide, Personalised Gifts Shop's top customer service, fast delivery and quality products will help you immerse yourself in the spirits or Halloween! 

basic witch halloween mug personalised with name

Trick or treat halloween bag as gift

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